all postcodes in S36 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S36 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S36 4GG 0 53.481116 -1.620447
S36 4GH 1 53.481457 -1.620324
S36 4AE 0 53.478596 -1.616552
S36 4GP 0 53.491288 -1.64922
S36 4GQ 0 53.492377 -1.643151
S36 4GR 2 53.490184 -1.640291
S36 4GS 1 53.493291 -1.630695
S36 4GT 0 53.486521 -1.627363
S36 4GU 0 53.494055 -1.667164
S36 4GW 1 53.49312 -1.64512
S36 4GX 0 53.493113 -1.674195
S36 4GY 3 53.500785 -1.679398
S36 4GZ 0 53.479655 -1.642173
S36 4HB 0 53.532766 -1.714972
S36 4HD 0 53.538888 -1.723155
S36 4HF 1 53.537234 -1.719152
S36 4HG 1 53.538227 -1.728757
S36 4HH 5 53.509981 -1.711717
S36 4HJ 0 53.523351 -1.709787
S36 4HN 0 53.533506 -1.716537